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Richard WhittingtonPrimary School




School governors are ordinary people from the local community who wish to make a positive contribution to children’s education. They are the largest volunteer force in the country and have an important part to play in raising school standards. Governors are not involved in the day-to-day management of the school.


Almost anyone can become a school governor and you can find out more information here. All new governors receive training and support from Ivy Learning Trust and their fellow governors. If you are interested in assisting the school in this way, please contact


Local Governing Body Information

NameTitleDate of AppointmentTerm of OfficeAppointed byDeclaration of InterestDate Interest Declared
Sarah TurnerChair of Governors Trust Appointed18/09/20234 yearsIvy Learning Trust

Trustee, Ivy Learning Trust


Chair of Governors, Martins Wood Primary School


Chair of Governors, Windhill21 Primary School


Chair of Governors, Manuden Primary School


Trustee, NET Academies Trust

November 2023
Craig WoodHeadteacher01/04/2019Ex-officioEx-officioWife employed at an Ivy Learning Trust school. September 2024
Chloe RichardsonStaff Governor19/09/20244 YearsElectedNoneN/A
Emma BarrettParent Governor28/02/20224 YearsElected ParentNoneN/A
Zainab MohideenParent Governor17/07/20214 YearsElected ParentNoneN/A
Sarah ConroyTrust Appointed28/09/20234 YearsIvy Learning TrustNoneN/A
Neil GageTrust Appointed30/11/20234 YearsIvy Learning TrustNoneN/A
Karianna PettitTrust Appointed20/05/20244 YearsIvy Learning TrustNoneN/A
Charlotte SalomonTrust Appointed18/05/20234 YearsIvy Learning TrustDeputy Chairman of Saffron Walden ConservativesMay 2023


Declarations of Interests for Ivy Learning Trust Members and Trustees


Please see the following link Declarations of Interests for Ivy Learning Trust Members and Trustees

NameTitleDate of AppointmentDate Stepped DownAppointed byDeclaration of InterestDate Declared
Charlotte SteerStaff Governor17/03/202016/03/2024Elected StaffNoneN/A


Governance documents which need to be available for public inspection can be requested by emailing the governance professional at

Richard Whittington Primary School home page

Richard WhittingtonPrimary School