Absence Reporting and Attendance
The government has set the floor standard at 90% as expected attendance. The evidence all supports the fact that good school attendance improves attainment and achievement and clearly this is something that we would support. Achievement predicted by teaching staff is based on an expected attendance level of 96%. Students with poor attendance rarely achieve their potential grades.
Parents should phone on the first day of your child’s absence with the reason for the absence. If the reason for absence changes then another phone call should be made. After the second day of absence parents are expected to contact the school office every morning with an update on the condition. During this conversation a reminder will be given that on the fifth day of absence medical evidence will need to be provided for on-going absence.
For all medical appointments, including dentist or orthodontics a copy of the appointment card or confirmation email or text will be required in order to authorise the absence. These must contain the children’s name and appointment date and time.
It is essential that parents understand the importance of school attendance in raising standards. As a school our attendance is generally strong, however, we need to ensure that this remains the case and continues to improve. If you receive a school attendance letter please take it seriously and if you have any concerns please speak to your class teacher or make an appointment to see us. For the majority of parents this will be a one-off letter.
As a starting point, parents will receive a letter if attendance drops below 96%. This is just to inform you that there has been a period of absence which may cause concern if it were repeated too often. There is no action to be taken and often these absences are easily explained.
If your child's attendance drops below 93% a second attendance letter will be issued. This will state that no further absences will be authorised unless medical evidence is provided.
Should your child have any unauthorised absences a warning letter will be sent and there is likely to be a referral to the school attendance team who will advise the school as to the next steps to be taken. This could generate a Fixed Penalty Notice.
Absence of 5 or more days must be supported by medical evidence.
Absence of 5 or more days without supporting medical evidence will not be authorised.
If a student arrives after the registers have closed they will receive an unauthorised attendance mark. After 2 unauthorised marks a warning letter will be sent. Ongoing unauthorised marks due to lateness could lead to a penalty fine.
To avoid the spread of illness, please keep your child at home for 48 hours following sickness and diarrhoea.
Unauthorised Absences
Leave of absence form
RW Application for Leave of Absence from School during term time