Physical Education
Physical Education (PE)
In this area children are encouraged to be as successful as possible in all aspects of movement. Physical Education forms an important part of the total education of the child. It aims to promote the normal growth and development of each child and to give children a greater understanding of themselves and their physical capabilities. Our main concern is to encourage efficient movement through a strong and healthy body. Children will experience a wide range of activities including gymnastics, games, athletics, dance and swimming. The teaching of skills in class is reinforced through a range of extra-curricular activities appropriate to the age of each child.
The school sports days during the summer term are days when children can apply the skills they have learnt, in an atmosphere encouraging their full participation and enjoyment. There are also opportunities throughout the school year for the children to take part in whole school days around a specific sport that they may normally not have the chance in PE to take part in i.e., American Football.
The children in Years 3 and 4 attend lessons at Grange Paddocks pool. For this activity to continue it is necessary to ask for voluntary contributions towards the cost of the transport.