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Richard Whittington Primary School home page

Richard WhittingtonPrimary School

The School Day

Nursery times

Operating hours are between 8:30 am and 3:30 pm each day, with additional hours costing £5 per hour. Flexible sessions are available, bookable in advance (termly).

15hr - 8:50 am - 11:50 am - Drop off is at the Nursery path and collection is from the playground.

30hr - 8:50 am - 3:00 pm - Drop off is at the Nursery path and collection is from the playground.

35hr - 8:30 am - 3:30 pm - Drop off and collection is at/from the Nursery door.


Whole School 2023 - 2024

Drop off is between 8:30am and 8:45am.

Registration is taken at 8:45am.

Breaktime is from 10:30 - 10.45 or 10:45 am - 11:00 am.

Lunchtime is from 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm. 

Collection is at 3:15pm from the allocated zones.


Total School Open Time (typical week)

8.45am - 3.15pm = 32.5 hours


Richard Whittington Primary School home page

Richard WhittingtonPrimary School