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Richard WhittingtonPrimary School

Nursery Open Mornings - Tuesday 21st January and Wednesday 29th January, Tuesday 11th February, Tuesday 4th March, 9:30am-10:30am Please contact the school office on 01279 657778 to book a place.

Headteacher's Welcome

We believe that children thrive through ambition, collaboration and challenge. As a school community, we strive to be the best that we can be by working together, collaborating with other schools and looking outwardly to develop best practice.


Aspire is our desire to be the very best that we can be and achieve our goals. Don’t stop believing and aspiring to be the very best version of you.

Toby and Cara

Question and Reflect

We learn through mistakes, grow from resilience and thrive through reflecting. If it doesn’t challenge you, it doesn’t change you.

Toby and Eliza

Respect and Care

We care and respect each other and value views and thoughts of all.


If you know what one person can achieve, just imagine what we can achieve together. Through collaboration we enrich our learning and understanding of each other.

Noah and Yameena



Contact Us

Headteacher: Mr Craig Wood

Thornbera Gardens, Bishop's Stortford Hertfordshire, CM23 3NP

01279 657778

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Richard Whittington Primary School home page

Richard WhittingtonPrimary School