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Richard WhittingtonPrimary School


This document outlines the teaching, learning and organisation of music at Richard Whittington Primary School.

Why teach Music?

Music is a universal language that embodies one of the highest forms of creativity. A high quality music education should engage and inspire pupils to develop a love of music and their talent as musicians, and so increase their self-confidence, creativity and sense of achievement. As pupils progress, they should develop a critical engagement with music, allowing them to compose, and to listen with discrimination to the best in the musical canon.

National Curriculum Music (2014)

School Vision

At Richard Whittington Primary School, our vision is to challenge and enthuse.  Feeling happy and safe, we aim to flourish through deep, engaging opportunities.  Our goal is to make a difference as resilient, respectful, citizens of the world.  We will achieve this through our core values:

  • Aspire
  • Question & reflect
  • Respect & care
  • Collaborate

Our Music curriculum aims to live out the visions and values in our delivery of interesting, challenging and engaging music lessons and wider musical opportunities.



Our curriculum is based on the Charanga programme and selects the units of work that best suit our learners and the vision we have for them.  It is rigorous, ambitious and ensures that by the end of KS2 all children will:

  • Have been exposed to a wide range of rich and varied musical experiences
  • Have explored different musical genres and the cultures surrounding them
  • Have an emerging understanding of the language of music



Collaboration forms a fundamental part of music making at our school.  During lessons, children will have the opportunity to work as a whole class, in small groups, in pairs and independently.  Children will work as an ensemble in various forms eg choir, chamber group, orchestra, duet partners and develop their performing and composing skills in these groupings.  Musical collaboration is enhanced through our wider opportunities provision for music, which includes performing with Young Voices at the O2, joining with other schools in local mass music making festivals in Years 2 and 5, and singing in the combined schools Year 6 Carol Service.  



Our Music curriculum is based on the Charanga programme and is enhanced by quality listening, performing and composing opportunities.  We encourage children to make links between their music making and other subjects in the wider curriculum. By the end of KS2 all children will have been exposed to musical language and notation.

Richard Whittington Primary School home page

Richard WhittingtonPrimary School