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Richard WhittingtonPrimary School


It is our school policy that all children wear school uniform when attending school, or when participating in school-organised events outside normal school hours. We ask children to take pride in their personal appearance.


Some items of uniform can be bought from local uniform providers, details below, whilst others are easily available, at very competitive prices, at local shops including supermarkets.  The school also holds a range of second hand uniform, please ask at reception for more details.


Esquared Clothing ( available from January 2024


School uniforms made easy. A new approach to sourcing your locally based, high quality and affordable uniforms. Delivered with a smile.

KS1 and KS2 uniform bundles available.

The following provides details of the uniform that should be worn. If there are any questions please ask at the school office.


Parents and carers are asked to name all your child’s articles of clothing clearly.



Grey trousers, skirt, pinafore dress, shorts

White polo shirt (EYFS and KS1)

White Shirt with collar, suitable for wearing with a tie (KS2)

School Tie (KS2)-compulsory

Black, grey or white socks or tights

Black shoes (not trainers and flat-heeled)

Red V-necked knitted jumper or cardigan with Logo (EYFS, KS1 and KS2)

(preferred but can be plain)

Red and white checked summer dress/ play suit (all checked)


Sports Clothing

Black Shorts

Red Polo Shirt with Logo (preferred but can be plain)

Red Hoodie with Logo (preferred but can be plain) *

Black Jogging bottoms or sports leggings

(must be sports leggings as cotton ones can be see through) *

Trainers (must be worn to take part in outdoor lessons/ shoes cannot be worn in PE lessons)

Shin pads for years 5 and 6 for Hockey with black sports socks


*Needed in cold weather/ needs to be a PE jumper


Outdoor wear

Every child will need a coat. 


Hot weather

When outside during hot weather, all children should wear a hat for protection against the sun. A red baseball hat, embroidered with the school logo, can be purchased from the school suppliers. Sun glasses are also permitted during summer months; however these should be worn outdoors only, not indoors.


Book bag

All children in Reception and Years 1 and 2 must have a red book bag with the school logo on. Book bags are also available from esquared.


From Year 3 the school book bag is still the best type of bag to use as it keeps reading books and homework diaries flatter than the alternative rucksack-type bag. It also fits in your child’s classroom tray, rather than taking up extra space in the already crowded cloakroom areas.


However, from Year 3 your child may use a different type of bag if you, or they, wish. Please ensure it is a bag that will keep things flat and that will not take up too much space in the cloakroom areas/ lockers. This will need to be red or black.



Hair accessories should be in the school colours of dark grey, red or white and of a reasonable size. For reasons of health and safety long hair must always be fully tied back at all times. Extreme hairstyles are not appropriate for school. The use of styling products should be kept to a minimum and children should not have decorative patterns or ‘tram lines’ cut into their hair or have their hair coloured or dyed.



For health and safety reasons, we do not allow children to wear jewellery in our school. The exceptions to this rule are plain ear studs in pierced ears. We ask parents and carers to remove the stud earrings/jewellery before the children attend school on PE days. If the children attend school wearing earrings they may not be able to take part in the P.E. lesson. School staff cannot help with the removal of jewellery. Wrist watches may be worn but only for the purpose of telling the time. ‘Smart’ watches linked to mobile phones are not permitted.


Make up and nail varnish

Make up and nail varnish are not permitted.



All children are required to wear plain black shoes (not boots) without logos. We do not permit any pupil to wear metal shoe studs or heels for reasons of health and safety and to prevent damage to the floors.  Shoes need to be comfortable with sensible heels to help avoid accidents. All laces must be tied. No fashion footwear is permitted.



Hoodies are not permitted other than the school PE hoodie and only during PE lessons

Earrings Information Letter

 RWPS Earrings

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Richard WhittingtonPrimary School