Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education
Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education and Citizenship
At Richard Whittington the personal, social and health development of the child is a central focus of education. Elements of P.S.H.E. and Citizenship are taught as separate subjects as well as integrated in to all areas of the curriculum and the life of the school. The teaching of this subject now also includes education on drugs.
The School has set up a school council with elected representatives from Year 1 to Year 6. The council’s role is to meet and to hear the views of the children, taking forward ideas and suggestions to the Headteacher.
We also have a Learning and Wellbeing Mentor who works across the whole school supporting children and developing their confidence, resilience and supporting them with emotional or social worries and concerns.
Sex and Relationships Education (SRE)
This policy stresses the value of family life, and discusses the importance of caring relationships between people. The care of all living things is central to our approach and the nature of human reproduction is considered in increasing detail as children grow up. In Years 5 and 6 our school nurse works alongside the class teachers to prepare the children for forthcoming pubertal changes and their implications. Linked to this is reassurance that bodily changes, both physical and emotional, are quite normal and acceptable. Help is given in adjusting to these changes whilst emphasising the importance of personal hygiene. A fuller account of our approach to sex and relationship education can be consulted in school. We shall keep parents informed about our arrangements for teaching this subject. Parents are offered the opportunity to view DVD programmes prior to children’s viewing and are also offered the right to withdraw their child. In 2020 RSE (Relationships, Sex Education) will become statutory.
Collective Worship (Assemblies)
Collective worship (assemblies) is held every day and takes a variety of forms including whole school assemblies, Key Stage assemblies and class assemblies. We like to end the school week with a whole school assembly where we can all celebrate success.
At all times we promote positive attitudes and encouragement so that children can develop a good self-image and have confidence in themselves.