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Richard WhittingtonPrimary School


New House Names - September 2022

At Richard Whittington we value each and every member of our school community and feel that it is essential that they are represented. Our houses are headed by figures who us, as a whole school, must decide are aspirational, positive role models and best demonstrate the values we uphold. We must consider the impact that they have had and will have on society and in turn us as people:

Pankhurst - Blue

Wiltshire - Red

Parks - Purple

Attenborough - Green

These key figures have been selected by the head pupils and house captains, then debated and voted by the whole school to finally decide on who best represents us as a school community and who has and will have the greatest impact on our lives.


We felt that they best embodied the values we uphold and the elements of our character compass that build and reinforce what attributes are most important to make us great, responsible citizens.


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Richard WhittingtonPrimary School