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Richard WhittingtonPrimary School


Consultation to join Multi Academy Trust          


Proposal to join The Ivy Learning Trust


As a maintained school, Richard Whittington is unable to fully benefit from the economies of scale available to larger institutions. Whilst the current financial position of Richard Whittington is secure, by becoming part of Ivy we believe our school would benefit from access to a wider range of financial resources, operational specialists, and economies of scale when spending.  The Government has been clear in its vision that it wants all schools to be part of a Multi Academy Trust (MAT) as “part of a family of schools”. 


The Governing Board has therefore been considering how best to meet this requirement whilst still delivering the high standards of teaching and learning currently on offer.  After detailed consideration of a number of different MATs Governors believe that joining the Ivy Learning Trust represents the best opportunity to achieve and continue excellence at Richard Whittington.


This move will not result in any day-to-day changes in areas such as teaching staff, classes, uniform or length of the school day.  What it will do, in addition to the benefits mentioned, is enable us to build upon the School’s successes and good practice, whilst offering financial stability and benefits with regards to procurement of goods and services.


The Governing Board has therefore started the consultation process required to join the Ivy Learning Trust. 


Key Dates:


30th October 2023- (3.30pm) - Staff Consultation Meeting 


30th October 2023- (7pm in the school hall) - Parent Consultation Meeting 


In addition to Richard Whittington governors and members of the school leadership team, Matthew Kleiner-Mann (CEO) and Roz McLaren (Deputy CEO) of Ivy Learning Trust will be in attendance to provide the opportunity to find out about what joining the Ivy Learning Trust will mean for the school and to ask any questions you may have. 


27th November 2023 – Deadline for receiving responses to the consultation.


11th December 2023 – Full Governing Board meeting to consider responses to the consultation


Further Information:


Please have a look at The Ivy Trust website (www.ivylearningtrust.orgfor more information about the Trust.


In addition, you are welcome to email any questions you may have to Where possible, responses will be provided by either the school or Governing Board.


Please click on the link below to see the frequently asked questions document that may help answer any questions you may have regarding the proposal.

Ivy Learning Trust update- 22nd March 2024


 Ivy Learning Trust Update

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